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Friday, 4 April 2014

An Experiment with Custom Camera Angles in iRacing

Last night while I was trying to get the kids to go to sleep (emphasis on the 'trying'), I experimented with custom camera placements in iRacing.  I wanted to learn how to setup some different views, and thought I might try to piece together a whole circuit set of cameras with a certain 'feel'.

I took the previous nights Mazda MX-5 race at Laguna Seca that Andrew and I raced in and focused the camera on one of the other participants that was in the mix.  This allowed the cameras to see some closer racing.

I went for a low down, 'intense', look, trying to capture the cars pitching in and sliding into the apex, and feel close to the action.  There's still some work to do here, a few spots down the straights where the action isn't as intense as it could be, but generally pretty happy with the result.

Here's a lap of Laguna Seca with the camera setup.

Where am I?  I span out in Turn 4 and was last for the first part so you can't see me here, but managed to finish 4th in the end as everyone else had issues of their own.  Yet another example of keeping going even when things look grim.  Was a fun race!

If you're interested in doing doing your own camera setups, I found this PDF got me started in the right direction.

If you'd like to try my camera set, you can download it here.  The .cam file needs to go in an directory close to where your Replay files are stored, which for me on my Windows computer is C:\Users\psmith\Documents\iRacing\cameras\tracks\lagunaseca\ .  This is a track camera, so needs to be placed within a directory for the named track.

Once you've placed the file there, launch a replay, or start a session and then:
  1. Hit CTRL+F12 to bring up the advanced camera editor
  2. Hit the Load Track red link at the bottom - this will bring up a file chooser which should show the "Laguna Custom 1.cam" file which you should select
  3. Within the "up arrow" camera selector in the bottom-middle you should now see a new "Low Down" camera to select.
  4. Choose and (hopefully) enjoy!

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